Monday, April 30, 2012

FOD 2012.04.30

It's been a hectic few weeks. I've been busier than:
  • Michael Jackson in a day care center.
  • A cucumber in a woman's prison.
  • A Colombian prostitute at a Secret Service convention.
But there's light at the end of the tunnel. The semester ends this week, which will help a lot. I've also got a major project wrapping up this Friday. Between those two events, I should free up a bunch of time. Unitl then, I'll just have to get by with material recycled from other sources. Like this: (H/T JammieWearingFools)

Obama has held more re-election fundraisers than previous five Presidents combined
Barack Obama has already held more re-election fundraising events than every elected president since Richard Nixon combined, according to figures to be published in a new book.

The figures, contained a in a new book called The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign by Brendan J. Doherty, due to be published by University Press of Kansas in July, give statistical backing to the notion that Obama is more preoccupied with being re-elected than any other commander-in-chief of modern times.

Doherty, who has compiled statistics about presidential travel and fundraising going back to President Jimmy Carter in 1977, found that Obama had held 104 fundraisers by March 6th this year, compared to 94 held by Presidents Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Snr, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Since then, Obama has held another 20 fundraisers, bringing his total to 124. Carter held four re-election fundraisers in the 1980 campaign, Reagan zero in 1984, Bush Snr 19 in 1992, Clinton 14 in 1996 and Bush Jnr 57 in 2004.
Sounds like someone who knows he's in trouble. Let's hope he's right.

Other items of note:
  • at last count the first family has taken at least 17 lavish vacations around the world
Let's just hope the voters make sure the obama chickens come home to roost this November.


  1. Yesterday Obama played his 96th round of golf. Keith Koffler keeps count. His playing partners yesterday were U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, White House Trip Director Marvin Nicholson, and White House staffer Michael Brush.

    No doubt that Obama was paired with the WH Trip Director, planning Michelle's summer travel.

  2. Word On The Street -

    The President and First Lady will be visiting 96 Countries between Election Day and the Innaugration, If he wins it will be called a "Victory Lap". If he doesn't win it will be called "A 1728 Holes & Fact Finding Tour". We understand, further, that the First Lady already has 50% of her wardrobe for the tour and the President has half his balls; the wardrobe and balls are being donated by well heeled campaign contributers in each of the countries who are happy to see them stay or sorry to see them go. More to follow. (SarcOff)

  3. Harper - 90, 92, 96 ... who's counting? Certainly not the mainstream media.

    Pascvaks - If this country (or at least 51% of it) comes to their senses and kicks the bum out, it will certainly be interesting to how many rounds of golf and vacations he takes on our dime between the election and Inauguration Day.
