Monday, April 16, 2012

FOD 2012.04.16

Last week the fit hit the shan over remarks made and subsequently apologized for by democrat strategist and obama adviser Hilary Rosen about Ann Romney, wife of the likely republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

obama and his goon squad tripped all over themselves trying to contain the damage.
When Democratic activist Hilary Rosen dissed Ann Romney Wednesday, saying she has “never worked a day in her life,” the president, first lady, and countless other Democrats swooped in and condemned the slam on the wife of presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Ms. Rosen apologized for her “poorly chosen” words.
Of course, even when 'apologizing' obama managed to mangle the truth. In his own words: "We Didn't Have the Luxury for Her Not to Work."
Speaking Friday at what the administration called “The White House Forum on Women and the Economy,” President Barack Obama said that after his two daughters were born, he and his wife—both Harvard Law School graduates—could not afford the “luxury” of having her stay home with the children.
. . .
In 1997, the year before Malia was born, he (barack obama) was elected to the Illinois State Senate.
I don't know what Illinois state senators got paid back in 1997, but I suspect that it was enough for a family of three to live on comfortably. Especially with the outside income opportunities traditionally available to Illinois politicians.

Three years later, in 2000, the first year that the Obamas' tax returns are available, they had a combined gross income of $240,000. Assuming barry made about half of that, they would have had a family income of somewhere around $100K - 120K. Most families could enjoy a comfortable middle-class life style on that in 2000.
In 2005, when Obama began serving in the U.S. Senate (and his daughters turned 4 and 7), he and his wife were earning a combined annual income of $479,062. Barack Obama was paid a salary of $162,100 by the U.S. taxpayers, and Michelle Obama was paid $316,962 to handle community affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center.
So please explain to me why a base salary of $162,100 isn't enough to allow a mother the 'luxury' of staying home with her children, especially a decade or so ago.

My wife stayed home with our kids when I was making less than that. We had a nice house in a nice suburb, nice cars, took nice vacations, paid our bills, and generally lived a nice, comfortable middle-class life style.

I guess that wasn't good enough for the obamas...

P.S. In what should come as a surprise to no one, Bill Maher -- noted misogynist (at least when conservative women are involved) -- came out in support of Hilary Rosen.
At least one high-profile supporter of President Obama is defending Hilary Rosen, although it likely won’t help matters.

Bill Maher, the comedian who gave $1 million to a pro-Obama super PAC earlier this year, offered his own interpretation of the Democratic strategist’s remark Wednesday that the wife of GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney "has never worked a day in her life."

Rosen's comment spurred both a rejoinder from Ann Romney, who tweeted she "made a choice to stay home and raise five boys," and a rebuke from Team Obama, which called on Rosen to apologize while taking pains to praise stay-at-home mothers.

What Rosen meant to say, according to Maher, "was that Ann Romney has never gotten her a-- out of the house to work."

Maher said on "Real Time," his HBO talk show. Maher added during his HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday, that while being a mother is "a tough job," there is "a big difference between being a mother and getting getting your a-- out of the door at 7 a.m. when it’s cold, having to deal with the boss, being in a workplace, where even if you're unhappy you can’t show it for 8 hours, that is kind of a different kind of tough thing."
Right, Bill. Moms never have to get out of the door at 7 a.m. - or earlier - when it's cold. They never have to deal with a boss, only grumpy and whiny kids and husbands who think they are the boss. They never have to put on a happy face no matter how tired, depressed, and angry they are. And of course after 8 hours thay can put that whole Mom thing behind them until the next day.
What an asshole...


  1. A man who has never been married or fathered children is supposed to have a clue about what that requires, how?

    It would take no more than caring for one child suffering from an intestinal virus to break that man.

  2. According to Parade Magazine in this past Sunday's paper, his salary in 1997 at age 36, an Illinois State Senator made $48,403 per year.

    I really get sick and tired of people saying stay at home Mom's don't work. My Mom was one, a farmers wife and raised 4 kids. My Sister in law is a stay at home mom, but she also home schools 3 boys (2 older ones are in college now and were home schooled), she also takes care of my Mother who has Alzheimer's, is a farmers wife, and well, she's married to my oldest brother and that's a job I wouldn't wish on anyone. haha! So that asshat democratic woman (questionable) should keep her piehole shut. - Tina K.

  3. Pascvaks - "What's so different about us now from the previous generations..."

    You're right. That's a topic that is worthy of exploring, but would take months if not years of research and speculation, along with reams of paper (or the digital equivalent thereof).

    Harper - I'd love to see Maher deal with a kid spouting from both ends. That's something I'd watch on his miserable excuse for a TV show.

  4. Well done Sir, excellent points all, too bad they can't seem to 'control' their talking heads... (or maybe they don't want to)!

  5. Tina - "an Illinois State Senator made $48,403 per year" ... plus 'tips'

    NFO - Thank you. IMO they are controlling their talking heads. The media says just what the dems tell them to, with the possible exception of a few loose cannons like Maher and Olbermann.
