Thursday, April 5, 2012

Different Strokes For Different Folks

I saw the below at Boned Jello. My mind was duly boggled. (For those of you not familiar with Wegmans, it is a regional grocery store chain located mainly in the northeast - similar to HEB for all you Texas folks.)
Wegman's has put up a sign asking customers buying pork or alcohol not to use a particular checkout line when a Muslim teenager is on duty as the cashier.

I have a better idea. If I'm buying pork or alcohol (or anything else) I'll not only chose another lane, I'll chose another store.

Tolerance is one thing. Hiring people who are unwilling to do the job is something else entirely. Why not give her a job in the produce department and hire cashiers who aren't so picky?

Here's the link to the full story. Don't read the "Mosqueing the workplace" section until after you've taken your blood pressure pills.


  1. I wonder if Wegman's is selling any Easter items that the cashier refuses to ring up? Since Muslims don't believe Jesus died on the cross, surely the cashier would be uncomfortable handling Easter products.

    We are supposed to be a country of freedom, not accommodation. Excuse me while I go scream.

  2. Thanks, you just made the duct tape that was holding my head together fail.

  3. Harper - good point. What would McDonalds do if that person applied for a job as a fry cook, and then refused to cook sausage or bacon? (mmm - bacon...)

    Kerrcarto - two words: Gorilla Glue

  4. jeffli6 - I don't pretend to understand anything about islamists (other than they kill innocent people, degrade women, and want to destroy us) but I'm with you. How can touching a container than holds something else be a sin?

    If Gorilla Glue doesn't work, try tequila.

  5. Thanks in part to the current POTUS,

    The United States is slowly going down the road to "Politically Correct Sharia Compliance" thanks to the Libtards and appeasers who only see running away from the American core values because they believe everyone who demands "their rights" must be pandered to.

    Funny, Growing up I was always taught you EARNED rights. They weren't like apples on a tree where you could just walk up and pick the ones that looked sweet and juicy to you.

  6. Now, now, now, if they want to pay someone to do nothing that's their privilage. We all have the right to be as stupid as we want to be and as often as we can afford to be, as long as someone doesn't take offense and cut off our head for no reason whatsoever. (I just KNOW someone's putting something in the water! Now that OBL is pushing up sea sand on the bottom of the ocean, wonder who's doing it?))

  7. I'd go ahead and get in that line, especially if I had a pork product.

  8. Toejam - You're right. We need someone to draw a line in the sand and say "no mas."

    Pascvaks - They can pay someone to do nothing. I can shop elsewhere.

    Or, as InsomniacSeeker suggests, I can stay in that line and raise hell when the cashier refuses to check me out.

    Maybe if enough people (1) shop elsewhere and (2) raise hell we can get things straightened out.
