Saturday, March 10, 2012

Three Amigos - Or Three Stooges?

Harper had a recent post about a flaw in the TSA's new body scanner technology. That highlights a disturbing downward trend in TSA's security effectiveness. (Another example: a screening area in New York's JFK airport was shut down for a couple of hours last week after "a Manhattan woman walked past JFK Airport scanners with a dagger in her bag ... this slip-up was just the latest in a string of embarrassing security mishaps — three in February — by the federal Transportation Security Administration.")

On the other hand, however, TSA continues to maintain high standards in their role as perverts.
This is beginning to get a little silly. If the lechers at the Transportation Security Administration are this eager to score a glimpse of a naked boob, they should just man up and order every female passenger to remove her top.

No more of this pussy-footing around, “accidentally” pulling a woman’s blouse off during a pat-down in public. No more pretending that a female with a “cute figure” needs to pass through the scanner a third time because not all the frat boys in the backroom got a good enough look.

Or in the most recent case, asking a MTLF (mother they’d like to frisk) at an airport security checkpoint to “prove” that her breast pump is real...

The mother was informed she couldn't take the pump on board the aircraft because the bottles in her carry-on were empty
WTF?!? She can't get on a plane with EMPTY bottles? But I can't get on with FULL ones? Who the hell's in charge of this circus?

Oh yeah - Janet Napolitano. The same ditz who claimed "The border is as secure now as it's ever been." That should come as welcome news to state and federal LEOs who have been dodging gunfire from Mexico lately.
U.S. Border Patrol agents near Rio Grande City exchanged gunfire this week with men on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande during a $3 million marijuana seizure.

Wednesday's shooting was at least the third such incident reported during the past year...

The gunfight came as federal, state and local law enforcement are acknowledging an increasing threat directly across the narrow river...
And of course, we mustn't forget Janet's partner in crime (literally) Eric Holder, whose role in the administration is apparently to arm drug cartels and then lie to congress about it.
Attorney General Eric Holder suggested Thursday that weapons lost during the course of the failed "Fast and Furious" gunrunning operation will continue to show up at crime scenes in the U.S. and Mexico "for years to come."

But ... Holder denied department leaders played any role in the crafting of "Fast and Furious."
Apparently some low-level field agent just woke up one day and decided to smuggle guns across the border for Mexican gangs without telling anyone.

Yeah, sure...

I don't care if the republicans nominate Zippy the Chimp to run against obama. We simply have got to get that loser and his band of stooges out of office if this country has any hope of retaining even a shred of its former greatness.


  1. One thing about Obummer, he shore knows how to do the impossible, who would have thunk that in 3 years he whould have improved Jimmah's and Bill's standing in the history books to "ALMOST OK" and "A SAINT"? Amusing and amazing what a rich Wahine's kid from Chicago can do with a googleplex of poi and a paint brush in just 3 years, taint it?

  2. Three Stooges definitely, the only 'problem' is, they are in charge... sigh

  3. Pascvaks - Jimmy Carter is breathing a big sigh of relief at no longer being the worst president in recent history.

    NFO - I've served under stooges before, but the damage they could do was relatively limited. Unfortunately, that's not the case with these three.
