Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Funnies 2012.03.11

Today's collection is kind of weak. After all, I'm on Spring Break...

Spring Break: when the nation's college kids demonstrate to the world how much they've learned.

Spring Break: when students take time off from football games, basketball games, dances, parties, and hanging out in bars, and go to the beach and relax.

Worst Spring Break pickup line ever: “My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.”

The students get younger-looking every year.

And the faculty gets older-looking...


  1. And I'm staying as FAR away from any spring break locations as I can...

  2. Oh come on - it's worth it just to see drunk young fools acting like we used to.

  3. Yea Old NFO,

    Just think you can go to Cancun to check out the American college babes drinking booze, the American college guys smoking pot and the local Mexican kids shooting them with assault rifles supplied by "Holder Arms exporters".

    Where else could you get such a cross-section of free-spitited, youthful activities?

