Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pay As You Go (Come?)

The economy is swirling around the drain. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Our military needs to rest and refit. Iran is getting closer and closer to developing a nuclear weapon. Social Security and Medicare are cratering, and dragging the budget down with them.

We face significant, long-term, systemic problems that all seem to be coming to a head at the same time - a perfect storm of issues, if you will.

And what is monopolizing the airwaves and press coverage?

Whether or not the American taxpayer should pay for women's contraception.

No one wants to deny gals babes chicks dames broads wenches females (sorry, girls, I'm really not a MCP, I'm just a victim of my era and upbringing) access to contraceptive services. But why should I pay so that Sandra Fluke can screw her brains out?

Here's the best summary of the situation I've seen to date.


  1. I'll say it and risk the racist label...

    Why is it that WASP-y Fluke, a Cornell grad, Georgetown Law student, is the poster child for insurance companies paying for birth control? Is that really the demographic having trouble with unplanned pregnancies?

  2. The snarky (and racist) answer to your question would be that the left wanted someone presentable and articulate as their poster child.

    The real answer can be found here.

