Saturday, March 24, 2012

More The World Has Gone Mad

Well, not really the entire world, just the leftist hemisphere. That doesn't really come as a surprise to most thinking people, I know, but the most recent examples of liberal nonsense just boggle the mind.

The insanity spans the nation from coast to coast. Let's start on the East Coast, home to two of the bigger leftist loons, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and President barack hussein obama.

First, Mayor Bloomberg:
The Bloomberg administration is now taking the term “food police” to new depths, blocking food donations to all government-run facilities that serve the city’s homeless.

In conjunction with a mayoral task force and the Health Department, the Department of Homeless Services recently started enforcing new nutritional rules for food served at city shelters. Since DHS can’t assess the nutritional content of donated food, shelters have to turn away good Samaritans.
I guess donated food with an unknown nutritional content is worse for homeless folks than all that healthy stuff they scavenge from dumpsters.
DHS Commissioner Seth Diamond says the ban on food donations is consistent with Mayor Bloomberg’s emphasis on improving nutrition for all New Yorkers. A new interagency document controls what can be served at facilities — dictating serving sizes as well as salt, fat and calorie contents, plus fiber minimums and condiment recommendations. (Condiment recommendations?!? - oh, my achin' butt!)
In other words, if the government can't control it, they'll ban it. As a result, the homeless either get less to eat, or the government steps in and provides additional food to replace what is currently being donated. Of course, "the government provides" is just a euphemism for "the taxpayers are forced to dig deeper into their pockets."

It's worth noting that the NYC department enforcing the ban -- the Department of Homeless Services -- is know by the same acronym (DHS) as the Department of Homeland Security. Both are government agencies that see their mission as to deny and control, rather than to protect and serve.

Then we have obama's choice for the president of the World Bank.
President Obama on Friday nominated Dr. Jim Yong Kim, the president of Dartmouth College, to be the next president of the World Bank.

Kim's background is in medicine, not economics or business as has been the case with most previous World Bank presidents. He has worked with international organizations, serving as a senior official at the World Health Organization.

Kim is particularly known for his efforts addressing health concerns, including AIDS, in developing countries. He was one of the founders and former executive director of Partners In Health, a not-for-profit organization that supports health programs in poor countries.
Good for Kim. He seems like a fine fellow, with a remarkable record of doing good. Impressive though his credentials in medicine might be, however, I fail to see how that qualifies him to run an economic and financial organization "offering loans and grants as well as technical expertise for development projects around the world."

That makes about as much sense as nominating the CEO of Citibank to run the World Health Organization. Just another head-scratching obama decision.

Or maybe there's something more sinister afoot here. Maybe this is an obama stealth move to spread obamacare worldwide.

Naw, he couldn't be that devious ... could he...?

Meanwhile, over on the other coast, we have the Los Angeles Chief of Police unilaterally deciding that his police department will ignore a CA state law requiring them to impound the vehicles of people driving without a license. (H/T to Peter for the link.)
The Los Angeles Police Department will soon start ignoring California state law, which requires police to impound the vehicles of unlicensed drivers for 30 days.

The majority of unlicensed motorists in Los Angeles are immigrants who are in the country illegally and have low-income jobs. The LAPD says the state's impound law is unfair because it limits their ability to get to their jobs and imposes a steep fine to get their car back.

As long as drivers can produce some form of I.D., proof of insurance and vehicle registration, they'll be allowed to keep their car. Police Chief Charlie Beck insists that it's simply leveling the playing field.

"It's about fairness. It's about equal application of the law," Beck told a Los Angeles TV station earlier this month.
"Equal application of the law?" If I or any other legal resident get pulled over while driving without a license, our vehicle gets impounded. If an illegal immigrant is pulled over, he gets to drive away. What's 'fair' or 'equal' about that? Furthermore, research shows that unlicensed drivers "are five times more likely to be involved in fatal crashes and more likely to flee the scene of a crime."

Don Rosenberg, a Los Angeles father whose son was killed by an unlicensed driver, puts it best when summarizing the new policy:
"It's more important that people who are in the country illegally get to drive than it is that people who are here get to live."
The left responds:
Immigrant advocates say the controversy highlights the need to provide provisional driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
Or perhaps the need to deport people who, by the very fact of being here illegally, are criminals.

Not to mention likely democrat voters...

That's all I can take for now. Much more of this crap and my head will explode.


  1. The older I get the harder it is to get excited or PO'ed (well 'excited' anyway), maybe it's hormonal. The comments above illustrate very well some facts of life in the Old USofA today. The Left get's crazier by the day, and the Center and Right are too "too" to get off their lazy rear ends and stop the stupid madness. What's it all mean? Where's it all going? Sometimes I get this little, tiny, nervous tick between my ears, every now and then it tells me the answers are: "Nothing" and "Nowhere". Really! Once we thought our Biggest Enemies were External, in those days we pulled together (or so the kiddy story goes); today there is no Bad Evil Empire (shhhh.. You and I know about China and India and Brazil but no one else does) so we fiddle-fart around and pull lint out of our belly-buttons while the crazies burn the house down. It's simple. There's something in the water. We been poisoned! But really, you know, more and more I think we done did it to ourselves. Tired! Fat! Lazy! Stupid! Sleepy! Boneheaded! Etc.! Where's Indiana Jones? Anyone know a Jedi Knight or two?

  2. "Anyone know a Jedi Knight or two?"

    Sorry, Pascvaks, I don't know anyone named Jedi.

    I knew a Ted Knight once. He died 25 years ago.

    But that was in a universe far, far away.


  3. NFO - why is it we see these things for the insanity they are, but half the country doesn't?

    Pascvaks - "But really, you know, more and more I think we done did it to ourselves."

    Look at the top of this blog. You'll see the quote from Pogo: "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

    Toejam - bonus points for the MTM reference.
