Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Madness

Candidate for Most Ironic Statement by a Foreign Dignitary:

President Barack Obama welcomed David Cameron to the US by taking him out for a night out watching his favourite sport, basketball.
The two world leaders spent the first evening of Mr Cameron's three-day visit watching the opening game in the March Madness tournament in Dayton, Ohio.
The Prime Minister said he was enjoying his first time at a basketball game, but admitted trouble understanding parts of the sport. Mr Cameron told Kellogg: "I'm enjoying it ... it's pretty fast and furious. It's hard to follow sometimes exactly who's done what wrong."
What a delightful bit of irony, although I wonder ... it's so spot on that it seems as if the PM might be tweaking obama a bit, what with the "fast and furious" wording.

As for "who's done what wrong," here's a hint, Mr. Prime Minister.

He's America's first affirmative action Attorney General who, among other things, has stopped a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers, blocked Arizona's implementation of a law designed to reduce trafficking of drugs and illegal immigrants from Mexico into the U.S. (while admitting he had not read the law in question), intimidated hosting services of blogs questioning climate change, staffed the Department of Justice with like-minded ideologues, ignored Congressional subpoenas, blocked voter ID laws, and accused his opponents of being racists.

Not to mention approving the targeting of U.S. citizens for assassination without regard for due process of law

Yes, it's the one and only Eric "Gunrunner" Holder...