Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's Now Official

We all knew this was coming. The question is what are we going to do about it.
The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama’s three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency.

The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

The National Debt also now exceeds 100% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product, the total value of goods and services.
And what does obama have to say about increasing the national debt by over $4 trillion?

“That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic.”

Oh, wait. He was talking about Bush. Surely we can't hold him to the same standard, can we?

“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents -- number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child,” Obama said on July 3, 2008, at a campaign event in Fargo, N.D.

“That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic,” said candidate Obama.
This guy has given the republicans so much ammunition for the 2012 election that it's hard to imagine how they'll manage to screw it up.


  1. The GOP excelles at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It won't surprise me when they do it this time.

  2. And we all know whose side the media is on...

  3. "Sah! I say Sah! Hath thee forgotten? Thy dollar is not worth what it used to be and the actual amount of pain inflicted by Bush was so much more than His Holiness inflicted during the last 3.16666 years. In point of fact, the Bush debt increase devalued the dollar to the point that Buana OBYuan only had to borrow, beg, and steal ten times less in actual 1981 dollars."

    PS: Please DON'T trust this quote for more than your life in accuracy, DNC implied talking-point data used. Saint Obie has saved US from the ‘Great Satan’ Bush II! Do the math! Remember, in Chicago ‘Jihad‘ is a Kid‘s Game. Don‘t P.O. Chicago buddy! (SarcOff)

    Note: The 'truth' is relative? You shape and mold it to those you wish to seduce? Hummmmm...
