Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is That A Cannon Or Are You Just Glad To See Me?

My wife always tells me "Be careful where you point that thing..."
A woman died Tuesday after a homemade cannon blew a projectile into a mobile home in a remote San Diego County community.

Two men, including the woman's husband, were tinkering with the cannon outside the home when it went off and sent a projectile into the home, said Capt. Mike Mohler of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

The woman was pronounced dead about 12:15 a.m. at her home ... One of the men was injured and taken to a hospital.

Mohler said he could not confirm reports that the men had been drinking.
I don't think we need official confirmation of that. The facts speak for themselves.

Isn't CharlieDelta from the San Diego area...?


  1. WOW, The military spends billions trying to get a 155mm round within 10-meters of a target.

    These guys probably spent $20 on Vodka and another $20 on gunpowder and they hit the bulls-eye.

    CharlieDelta where are you?

