Thursday, March 8, 2012

He Sees All, Knows All

If you're not a sports fan, there's been a recent explosion of interest in a heretofore unknown professional basketball player named Jeremy Lin. Lin's emergence as a phenom came as a total shock and surprise to everyone.

Everyone, that is, except the all-knowing, all-seeing barry the magnificent.

Obama: 'I've Been on the Jeremy Lin Bandwagon for a While'
President Obama says he was ahead of the curve when it comes to New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin.

"I've been on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon for a while," the president told ESPN's Bill Simmons Wednesday. "I knew about Jeremy before you did, before everybody else did."
I saw the video of that interview. obama comes across as such an pompous, arrogant, know-it-all asshole that I had to swallow back my breakfast more than once. Watch it at your own risk.

And speaking of Jeremy Lin and the Knicks, apparently obama is such a big fan that he kept Air Force One flying around in circles so he could finish watching the first half of a recent Knicks-Heat game.
President Obama flew to Florida this past week to explain high gas prices.  According to the Washington Post, on his way to Florida this past Thursday, reporters were "perplexed" at the President's 41 minute flight from Washington, DC to Orlando, Florida taking 1 hour and 15 minutes. The flight was in the air an extra 30 minutes, burning precious fossil fuels.

It does not seem a coincidence that the President landed right at half time of an NBA basketball game between the star studded Miami Heat and New York Knicks.  Some theorized that the President delayed his flight in the air to watch more of the basketball game.
Burning up an extra few thousand pounds of jet fuel on his way to lecture Republicans over high gas prices. Just one more in an ongoing series of incidents demonstrating that obama is a "do as I say, not as I do" type of guy.


  1. I saw that story. What a pompous windbag.

  2. Mass'ah OBYaun sho' nuf' looks like he's the Cat's Meow, I imagine a lot of slaves saw that same look in the face of a hell of a lot of white foremen who thought they were the Cat's Meow too.
