Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy O'Green Day

From the state that gave us a parade of drunken womanizing Kennedy's, Romneycare, Bwarney Fwank, and countless other affronts to decency and common sense, we have this latest bit of lunacy.
At the Soule Road School in Wilbraham (MA), St. Patrick‘s Day has been replaced as the name for the school’s celebration surrounding the popular holiday. It’s been replaced with the generic “O’Green Day.”

The school’s principal, Lisa Curtin, is apparently looking to become more inclusive. So, rather than tout St. Patrick’s Day, she has purportedly come up with a way to circumvent the faith-related nature of the holiday. The school apparently did something similar for St. Valentine’s Day, which, in some classrooms, was referred to as “Caring and Kind Day.”
On this day, students are apparently being encouraged to wear green and they will be treated to special, green colored vegetables in the cafeteria.
 I can't stand anymore of this political correctness nonsense. I'm off in search of O'Green Beer...


  1. Let's really Go Green and give parents 'Vouchers' to educate their kids in schools of their choice. I think there's a Budget Cut in it too. Oh, and we could eliminate one Federal Department entirely as well. NOW that is GREEN, Money Green, Tax Green, Freedom Green, Energy Green, it's got everything you'd ever want in something Green. Think of it:
    "No more Chinese pencils,
    No more Commie Books,
    No more Union Creatures' dirty looks.."
    All thanks to good ol' St Paddy. What a guy! It's another miracle I tell ya! A honest to... shhhh, not too loud... 'God' Miracle!!!!

    PS: Do they still make Real Teachers? Did the Union Creatures replace all the Real Teachers? Are we too late? Say it ain't so! Say it AIN'T so! Say we're NOT too late!! Pretty please?

  2. Pascvaks - too much thinking. For today I'm gonna stick with green beer ... well, not necessarily green ... just beer.

    Toejam - Don't you live on the Emerald Isle? Is St. Paddy's Day as big a deal over there as it is here?
