Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Follies Happy Hour 2012.03.30

Today's selection is not the style of music I usually listen to. In fact, I never even heard of the performer -- Katy Perry -- until I ran across this article about the left calling for a boycott of the singer.
Katy Perry transforms herself into a U.S. Marine in her latest power-pop single, "Part of Me," which addresses female empowerment and pays particular tribute to service women.

However, at least one media type doesn't support Perry's Marines shout-out.

Prominent feminist Naomi Wolf, author of "The Beauty Myth" and one of many who were arrested amid the Occupy Wall Street protests last year, is urging Americans to boycott the singer, labeling her video "a total piece of propaganda for the Marines."
In response to Ms. Wolf's call for a boycott, I immediately bought the song at iTunes and posted the video here. It does begin with one of those annoying vid-commercials, so use the 15 seconds or so to visit the fridge and snag a cold one.

Then toast the Marines and all the other members of our military who serve so Naomi Wolf and the rest of the Occupy Whatever scum can run off their mouths.

And just to really piss off the left, some of the Marines at Camp Pendleton are featured in the video.



  1. Bout damn time :-) Good video!

  2. Great for Naomi: (*&%$**%!)

    Semper Fi!

  3. I can't wrap my head around how a feminist misses the overwhelming female empowerment element of the video. Forest and trees kind of thing, I suppose.

  4. "Something rotten this way comes! Oh, hello Naomi, bottom of the afternoon to ye!" Beware of dead fish complaining about the smell of the trash can, it's a reflexive reaction, nothing meaningful or even human about it.

  5. I think we all share the same opinion of Katy Parry, the video, and Naomi what's-her-name.

    Great minds think alike...
