Monday, March 5, 2012

FOD 2012.03.05

Everything the fool currently occupying the Oval Office touches turns to pure, unadulterated crap. Call it the reverse Midas touch. Two recent examples:

Example 1

Chevrolet Volt is on Obama’s ‘Cars to Buy’ List
President Barack Obama has been in the media lately defending the bail out loans given to GM and Chrysler, and his latest promise to eventually buy and drive a Chevy Volt, seems politically on track with his all-American image.

“... five years from now [Please God, make that one year from now!] when I’m not president anymore, I’ll buy (a Volt) and drive it myself,” Obama said.
A short time later:
General Motors has told 1,300 employees at its Detroit Hamtramck that they will be temporarily laid off for five weeks as the company halts production of the Chevrolet Volt and its European counterpart, the Opel Ampera.

... "we are still seeking to align our production with demand,” said GM spokesman Chris Lee.
Align production with demand, huh. That's GM-speak for 'these pieces of crap aren't selling, no matter what we do.'
General Motors sold 1023 Chevrolet Volts in February of 2012, but production figures totaled 2,347 units.
...GM originally targeted 45,000 units sold in the United States this year. GM only sold 603 in January...
Let's see. 603 sold in January plus 1023 sold in February is 1626 sold in the first two months of 2012. Multiplying that by six gives us a total of 9756 Volts projected to be sold in 2012. That's a far cry from the original target of 45,000. Maybe that's why obama is standing around with his thumb up his butt and letting gas prices spiral upwards towards the $5.00 per gallon mark - to help increase Volt sales.

(Note: I prepared a rough draft of this a few days ago. Since then both Allen and Harper posted comments pointing out various absurdities connected to the Volt fiasco. I'm too lazy to redo anything, so I'll publish this anyway. A day late and a dollar short - that's my motto.

Anyway, please visit their respective blogs for more insight into what happens when the government tries to run a car company.)

Example 2 - and a far more serious situation

February 29, 2012
President Obama said his formal apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the burning of Korans by U.S. troops last week has "calmed things down" after the incident sparked an outbreak of violence across the country.
March 1, 2012
Two U.S. troops were shot dead in southern Afghanistan when three assailants, two of whom were believed to be Afghan soldiers, turned their weapons against American troops...
Thank God (most emphatically not Allah) that obama's renowned silver tongue managed to calm things down. I'd hate to see what might have happened if obama hadn't apologized.


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