Thursday, March 15, 2012

Extreme March Madness

Posted with minimal comment:

Spike in Vasectomies Tied to March Madness
Experts say the number of men getting vasectomies jumps by 50 percent this time of year and they admit it's all to enjoy the big NCAA games while they recover.

Dr. Stephen Jones, a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic, said he is very used to a full book during the (tournament).

In fact, he said he now plans more appointment openings around March Madness. That's because Dr. Jones sees more men this time of year who want to get a vasectomy, so they can recover while watching the games.

"At least half of the guys I have scheduled for later in the week acknowledge they are here specifically for that reason,” Jones said. “In fact, the guy this morning said that ‘Absolutely, that's why I'm on the schedule for Friday.’ This was my first consultation with him, but as soon as I asked him about it he was a little sheepish to recognize that's why he's off work that day."

"It's private and they also are a little bit nervous about the fact that either their wife or their boss knows that's why they chose that one day to be out of work," Jones said.
Okay, I can see keeping the fact that I'm getting my love wand short-circuited a secret from my boss, but hiding it from my wife?!?

That's just plain nuts crazy...


  1. No Way Jose! This guy is obviously one of those Medifraud soak-the-people people, I'll bet that 90% of his operations are paper. Someone needs to look under and into this Bozo's sheets (including his offshore accounts). Something is rotten, I can smell it and hear it feel it in my... (nevermind where).

  2. Pascvaks - I think it's legit. The number of snips going up in March is a trend that goes back several years.

    NFO - It is unbelievable, isn't it.

  3. The way I read the story is that perhaps the wife (and boss) know about the vasectomy, but scheduling it during March Madness is the guy's doing all on his own.

  4. Harper, your interpretation is probably right ... but not as much fun.
