Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine's Day Heads-Up

I'm not exactly Mr. Smooth when it comes to affairs of the heart. And my wife isn't one of those girly-girls who lives for flowers and candy and cute little stuffed animals. But we do try to keep a little spark going in our relationship.

One of the ways we do so is by designating Valentine's Day our official once-a-year syrupy-sweet holiday. Note that this doesn't preclude surprise gifts throughout the year, or the occasional candlelight dinner, or breakfast in bed, or other such expressions of affection. But we don't go overboard on the hearts-and-flowers stuff, except on Feb. 14.

So here's a suggestion for all you closet romantics out there. Go here and you can create a customized, personalized romance novel featuring you and your Significant Other. There are all sorts of options available.
Be the star in your own personalized romance novel

Any couple can play the starring roles in these novels - as hero or heroine - how cool is that? With dozens of books and eBooks set in exotic locations around the world, there's something for everyone (even vampire, detective, golf and historical fiction). Our authors blend action and romance to produce fun, campy books for a one-of-a-kind gift or keepsake.

All you have to do is answer a few questions (names, eye and hair color, favorite song, etc.) that are used to customize the story. You can even upload a picture that will be put on the cover of your book.

I did this a few years back and, surprisingly, Mrs. CenTexTim loved it. She's not the romance novel type, but for some reason this touched a chord deep within her restless soul. Her heaving bosom betrayed her as she lost herself in the whirlpool that was his deep blue eyes...

Okay, I got a little carried away there, but you get the general idea.

Check it out...

(Disclaimer: I have no involvement in or connection with this product. I just think it's kind of cool.)

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