Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day And Coffee

I'm not a Starbucks regular, but I'll make a point of visiting one of their stores on Valentine's Day and buying something - either for me or a gift for my sweetie.


Because Valentine's Day is also Starbucks Appreciation Day for those of us who are Second Amendment supporters.

If you're not aware of the back story, Starbucks has become something of a flashpoint for pro and anti gun rights groups because of their common-sense stance on the issue.
“We comply with local laws and statutes in all the communities we serve. That means we abide by the laws that permit open carry in 43 U.S. states. Where these laws don’t exist, openly carrying weapons in our stores is prohibited. The political, policy and legal debates around these issues belong in the legislatures and courts, not in our stores.”
In response to that common sense, obey the law position an anti-gun group has called for a Valentine's Day boycott of Starbucks.

In response to that response the SA community is calling for a 'buycott' of Starbucks on Valentine's Day.

So please drop in on your local Starbucks and purchase a little something extra this Feb. 14 - and be sure to tell them why you're there. (H/T ToOldToWork)

Our Constitution deserves no less...

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