Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thought For The Day

Definition of irony:
The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us, "Please Do Not Feed The Animals", because the animals may become dependent and not learn to fend for themselves...
Addendum - from the USDA web site:
"...we continue to promote FSP (Food Stamp Program) participation aggressively..."
Final Thought: "This explains why the Obama budget looks like it does. They literally believe in a free lunch."

More at this link. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. (SarcOn) Now O.B.Juan needs to build a great Coliseum, greater than any ever built before, perhaps where the Pentagon currently stands. Just think of it, the kickbacks from the union run food concessions and gladiator games (not to mention the Christian Sacrifices) should keep the DNC in the black for years to come. That should be worth another Not'able Piece Prize. Imagine, like Lennon! (SarcOff)

    Life's a beach! Just when things are all fun-in-the-sun, the tide comes in and washes your sand castle away. If the Continental’s are going to win this one they’re going to have to go through more than one Valley Forge.
