Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thirteen Days Of Glory - Day Three

February 25

Travis sends Juan Seguin and Antonio Cruz y Arocha to General Sam Houston to plead for more reinforcements. A cold norther ’Cierzo’ blows in around 9 p.m. Robert Brown, Charles Despallier, and James Rose burn down La Villita. (Source)

"La Villita was San Antonio's first neighborhood. It was originally a settlement of primitive huts for the Spanish soldiers stationed at the Mission San Antonio Valero (the Alamo) ... In 1836, La Villita was the site of General Santa Ana's cannon line in the Battle of the Alamo...

Today La Villita is a thriving art community that stands as a monument to San Antonio's past. La Villita is on the National Registry of Historic Districts." (Source)

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