Thursday, February 23, 2012

Make Sure You Have Plenty Of Kleenex

I've subscribed to Sports Illustrated for decades. In its heyday it was the place to go for well-written articles with a sports theme. Not necessarily sports stories, but stories about people - the human condition - within a sports context.

Over time it has evolved (devolved) into a more typical sports magazine. The stories focus more and more on the sport, and less on the human element. But I continue to subscribe, more out of habit and inertia than for any other reason. Occasionally, however, there appears a story that revives the old glory days.

In the most recent issue there was one such story. You can read it online, but be warned, it's a lengthy story - make sure you have plenty of time and a fresh cup of coffee. However, if you get the chance read it in the magazine. The accompanying photos really make the characters come alive.
The Legacy Of Wes Leonard

You may have heard about the Michigan high schooler who made a game-winning basket and then died. Here's the rest of the story...
Also be warned - this is a heart-touching story. If you don't shed one or more tears while reading it you have no heart.

I cried like a baby...


  1. I'm about three issues behind on SI (story of my life), but I'll be sure to read it when I get to it.

  2. I know how that goes.

    The mag version is much better than the online one.
