Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life Is Good

A rare weekend morning with nothing scheduled for today, other than a Super Bowl pre-party tonight. No kid activities, no wifey plans or honey-do lists, no work issues (well, nothing major, just a few minor paperwork things that I can knock out in an hour or so without really paying attention).

So we slept in, took the dogs for a nice leisurely walk, and made a clean-out-the-fridge omelet. Half an onion and some cherry tomatoes that had been in the vegetable drawer for a while, some leftover sausage (a rare find around this house), the remnants of a few bags of shredded cheese, six eggs, and the rest of a jar of salsa all went into the skillet and came out magnificent. In this case the whole was indeed greater than the sum of the parts.

I just poured a mug of fresh coffee, topped it off with a splash of Kahlua, and am checking a few things on the 'puter. After this I see a nap in my future.

Life is good...


  1. All those omelette goodies sound good.

    I hope they fortify you to endure a Giant's romp over the Patriots!

