Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Headline Potpourri

From a random walk around the Web:

This one has personal significance for me, seeing as how my office is just a hop, skip, and jump from the Texas-Mexico border.

El Paso police chief confirms woman shot by bullet from Mexico
El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen said the woman was a 48-year-old mother who was pushing a child in a stroller when she was shot in the upper right calf.

Allen said the round went through her leg. She was taken to University Medical Center of El Paso.

El Paso has had two previous incidents involved stray bullets crossing over to this side of the border...
... that we know of.
Shots were also heard near Aoy and Hart elementary schools and Guillen Middle School, and the schools were immediately placed on lockdown, district officials said.

According to emergency radio transmissions, witnesses told police they heard shots coming from across the border ... witnesses reported hearing automatic weapons being fired in the area.
Oh good. Automatic weapons fire near schools. I don't care what anyone says. If it's not already, Mexico is fast becoming a third world country ruled by armed gangs.

I work in a border city that, similar to El Paso, is one city divided in half by the Rio Grande and the Texas-Mexico border. And like El Paso, we have had bullets from Mexico impact buildings on this side of the border. Fortunately, however, no people have been hit.


NJ governor Chris Christie is being mentioned as a possible VP running mate for Mitt Romney, if Mitt wins the republican nomination. That might help make conservatives more comfortable with Romney, especially if Christie keeps coming up with gems like this.

Outspoken New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had some rather harsh words for billionaire investor Warren Buffett on Tuesday.
During a discussion with CNN's Piers Morgan about tax rates, Christie made it known that he's just about had it with Buffett, the world-famous investor who lent his name to a proposed tax hike on the rich.

"He should just write a check and shut up," Christie said. "I'm tired of hearing about it. If he wants to give the government more money, he's got the ability to write a check -- go ahead and write it."
I like it. Put up or shut up, Warren.

I just don't get this one at all.

Obama Birth Control Rule Will Hurt Homeless Veterans
Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.), a leading Republican congressman overseeing veterans issues, is warning that President Obama's decision on birth control will have far-reaching effects even on the seemingly unrelated issue of combating homelessness amongst veterans.

Miller is chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. On Monday, he sent out a press release on the president's FY '13 budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs, saying that upon "first glance," it "appears positive given today's constrained fiscal environment, which is a good step forward."

But, he added, Obama's decision not to exempt all religiously affiliated organizations from covering the cost of birth control for their employees may cause problems for veterans. It's not completely clear how the two are related...
Damn straight it's not clear, although it looks like Miller is trying to express his concern that faith-based institutions providing shelter and services to homeless veterans may be denied VA funding if they refuse to comply with obama's edict.

If that is indeed the case, I wish he would have expressed himself with more clarity, like this person did.
According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, disease is “any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any part, organ or system (or combination thereof) of the body that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology and prognosis may be known or unknown.”

I have yet to meet a doctor who defines pregnancy as a disease, and I worked in the OB/GYN field for over 10 years.

Healthcare is about the prevention, treatment and management of illness. Contraception is not healthcare.
And she saved the best for last.
I hope for the good of this nation that President Obama is not given another four years to continue his war on freedom.
I can't improve on that, so I'll just sign off for now.

Keep the faith...

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