Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

One of the drawbacks of my employment situation - working out of town several days a week - is that I am often away from home on special occasions like Valentine's Day. (Of course, at times this can also be an advantage, like when the 'special occasion' is a visit by one of her relatives. But I digress.)

Anyway, I often enlist the help of our kids when I'm away. For example, I was out of town for my wife's most recent birthday, so I gave the kids her present and had them give it to her for me. Since I'll be out of town for Valentine's Day, I'm doing the same thing. Below is a picture of the present that Mrs. CTT will be receiving this year. When I handed it off to the kids for delivery the boy grinned and high-fived me. The girl just shook her head and sighed.

Fortunately, my wife has a sense of humor...

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