Friday, February 3, 2012

Gold Or Lead - Or Both

In these turbulent times some folks believe that investing in precious metals, such as gold or silver, is the best way to hedge their bets against economic uncertainty.

Others with a more pessimistic view of the future prefer to invest in goods with a more survivalistic utility, such as ammunition.

Now there's a company that lets you do both - at the same time.
... according to the Mayans the world will end next December (2012). Interestingly, apparently Nostradamus predicted the same thing. We don't know if the apocalypse will happen, but there are certainly a lot of strange things occurring around the world. Frankly, we don't know if the impending doom predicted by the Mayans, Nostradamus, or any other prophet of doom is true, but there are a lot of preppers who are taking extreme measures to prepare themselves should a real calamity occur.

... it occurred to us to combine the needs of preppers with gun owners to create precious metal ammunition - a novel way to protect yourself, your family, and your money.

Whether or not the apocalyptic prophets are right, tumultuous economic conditions will inevitably continue to nudge investors to invest in precious metals – especially gold and silver. Considering the penchant of investors in emerging economies like India and China to buy gold, which is a deeply rooted cultural status symbol in those nations, the gold market will continue to thrive as the world spirals towards the apocalypse next December. Consequently, gold and silver bullets will probably increase in value as more people begin to prepare themselves and their families to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.

Moreover, if the apocalypse doesn't occur your precious metal ammunition will still be worth more than you paid for it, and if the world does end you can hand over your investment to any thieves - through the barrel of a gun at +/- 1000 ft/sec.

Simply put, the end of civilization doesn't come around too often, and it presents a unique opportunity to do things we've never done before. Things like shoot valuable precious metals out of our firearms to protect our other precious things.
As an added benefit, silver bullets will kill werewolves, vampires, and maybe even zombies. How cool is that?

For the discriminating shooter, "all of our bullets are made from 99.99%, 24ct gold, or 99.99% silver, and is available in many popular calibers."

Plus all of their ammunition is available in jewelry form. And guys, Valentines Day is approaching. Just sayin'...

Disclaimer: I have no connection with or interest in Apocalyptic Ammunition or its owners or investors. The pictures above do not represent their products. Lawyers suck.


  1. I'll pass, thanks.

    I can hardly afford regular ammo, much less the stuff made of precious metal.

    Reminds me of the special Zombie ammo I saw at the gun show last weekend...

  2. LOL, yeah, I can do one or the other, not both, so you can guess which way I'm going!

  3. Bear, I checked out that link, and I'm still not sure if that stuff is real or a joke. I may have to pick up a box and try it for myself.

    NFO - They don't list prices for the gold/silver ammo, which is a sure sign that I can't afford it.
