Thursday, January 12, 2012

Whoever's Doing It Please Don't Stop

A couple of months ago I posted something about the cybersecurity module I teach graduating IS (Information Systems) majors. In that module we talk about the importance of protecting critical infrastructure systems (power and water utilities, pipelines, telecommunications networks, etc.) from malware like viruses and worms. To keep the kids interested we examine how the Stuxnet worm disabled Iranian nuclear facilities.

To make it even more interesting, and to point out the value of 'human infrastructure' - scientists, engineers, technicians - I include the ongoing assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists. I frame it like a James Bond movie (nowadays, I guess it should be Mission: Impossible). "Here's an impenetrable target. How can you render it useless without direct military action?"

The kids really get into it. It's one of the more popular modules of the course.

I guess now I'll have to update my notes. Another Iranian glow-in-the-dark mole got whacked yesterday.
An explosion on Wednesday killed Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a top official at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant, Iranian officials said.

He is the third man identified as a nuclear scientist to be killed in Iran in a mysterious explosion in the past two years. A fourth survived an assassination attempt.

In each case, someone placed a bomb under the scientist's car.

Iranian officials, on state-run media, blame Israel and the United States.
Of course they do. Who else but Zionists and the Great Satan would do such a thing?

Turns out there are Iranian dissidents who might be involved as well.
"The most likely contender among people who are following this is that the Israelis are doing it, possibly in cooperation with the Iranian mujahedin," said Trita Parsi, president of the National Iranian-American Council and author of the book "A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama's Diplomacy with Iran."

"There's almost no downside for Israel," he said. The killings "take out nuclear assets and embarrass Iran" by showing that the regime can't prevent such attacks, Parsi said. And "if Iran retaliates with a violent act, then Israel can point to it as a reason to take military action against the regime."
Gotta give the Israelis credit. They're masters at this sort of thing.
Mid-east experts doubt that the U.S. is involved, with one going so far as to say "Frankly, I don't think the United States has the human intelligence knowledge..."

Sadly, I agree with him. I also don't think the obama administration has either the brains or the cojones to pull off something like this.
The killings of Iranian scientists have come up on the campaign trail in the United States among contenders for the Republican presidential nomination. Newt Gingrich, at a debate in November, expressed support for the idea of "taking out their scientists." Rick Santorum, at an event in October, referred to the scientists turning up dead as "a wonderful thing."
I might not agree with Santorum on every political and social issue, but I'm with him 100% on this one.

So who's killing Iranian nuclear scientists?

I don't know and I don't care, but whoever it is, I hope they don't stop...

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