Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Welcome Trend Continued

There were a couple of high-profile home invasions a week or so ago where the potential victims, armed with shotguns, fought back and wounded or killed the perpetrators. The same thing recently happened a lot closer to home.
A home invasion on the Northeast Side ended in a gunfight in which one suspect was killed and another was critically injured early Wednesday, police said. The homeowner also was wounded.

Andrew W. Wharmby, 27, told officers he heard banging on his front door about 4:40 a.m. He told officers he became suspicious and grabbed his shotgun as he walked to the door.

He then heard noise in his garage, and when he saw the two men walk into his house, he shot at both. At least one of them returned fire and shot him in the face.

Police found one of the suspects — believed to be in his late teens or 20s — dead in the garage. The other was flown to San Antonio Military Medical Center in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the chest.
Wharmby, the homeowner, was shot in the chin... He also was taken to (the hospital), and was listed in stable condition.
I just love a happy ending...


  1. Yep, a win for the good guys and hopefully a quick recovery!

  2. Why is it that you almost have to dig and search for hours to find these types of articles where the homeowner successfully defends his/her property/life with the use of a firearm? Why don't we hear and see about this on the news?

    Don't worry, that was just a rhetorical question.

    I do as much as I can to spread these stories around, especially to people I know that are firearm wary or self-righteously anti-gun. My firearm buddies love them too, but it's the naive and ignorant that need to read, see and hear about the RIGHT to defend you and your families lives and property. I'm trying to subconsciously plant a seed in their heads to tune out the anti-gun rhetoric that's spoon fed to them by every media outlet. It might be a futile attempt, but something has to counter all the bullshit left-wing garbage.

    Part happy ending/part sad. Obviously is sucks the homeowner was shot, but it sounds like he will be okay, but what's really sad to me is that they didn't find the other bastard squirming on the floor in agonizing pain before he died.

  3. Old NFO - He'll have a greater scar and an even greater story.

    CD - These stories usually make the local news, but the only ones that make the national news are are when innocent citizens are massacred by gun-toting extremists.

  4. One of the "home-invaders" was carrying an assault rifle (looks like an M-4) and

    The other was flown to San Antonio Military Medical Center in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the chest.

    I'm not from the area but could these guys have been military personal?

    Carrying an assault rife on a burglary don't sound kosher. But maybe it was the only weapon he could get his hands on.

    Also "Police detained a third suspect, a 20-year-old woman, but released her after questioning, San Antonio police spokesman Matt Porter said."


    Wetbacks, maybe?

  5. Toejam, there are two Level I comprehensive trauma centers in San Antonio, one of them military. Civilians are routinely transported there. As with all other traumas, which hospital to go to depends on patient load, distance and other factors. I doubt an EMS crew would take the time to ascertain whether a person was military or civilian and take it into consideration when transporting a trauma. The article mentions that the incident happened on the northeast side of town, so BAMC was likely the closer of the two.

  6. Actually, the hospital formerly known as BAMC (Brooke Army Medical Center) is now called SAMCC (San Antonio Military Medical Center). Don't ask me why they changed the name, but no matter what it's called, Harper is correct. It is a Level 1 trauma center that receives and treats civilian and military emergency cases. I don't know how they sort things out administratively.

    The so-called 'assault rifle' was probably one of those black rifle civilian versions (semi-auto) of a true assault rifle, but most members of the MSM wouldn't know the difference. Since when do they let the facts get in the way of their 'reporting?'

    Both the perps appear to be of the black persuasion, not hispanic. At least one has a record of prior arrests for theft and assault, among other charges.

    The homeowner is, by all accounts, a decent, law-abiding citizen. The motivation appears to have been to steal a classic car that he had restored.

  7. Old habits die hard. My firstborn was put in a helicopter to BAMC hours after birth. We spent her first 10 days in the NICU there. Often rode the elevator with soldiers that had severe burn injuries. (of course that was the old brick building, not the new fangled one) Best.Care.Ever.
