Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thought For The Day

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly", meaning 'many', and the word "ticks", meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.


  1. a candidate who puts what's good for the country ahead of his own re-election

    Therein lies the rub. Politicians think they are what's good for the country.

  2. We used to have statesmen. Now we have politicians...

  3. We used to have rich guys who owned newspapers and voters who couldn't read.

    No we have rich white newspapers which own politicians and voters who don't read.

    Politicians never change. Only their methods. I was reading about Tammany Hall last week, and I realized that things really haven't changed much in the big cities.

    Most Demon Rat "community organizers" should be jailed for racketeering. Fresh off the boat, the Queen of Chinatown in San Francisco starts bringing people unto her bosom. La Raza helps illegals avoid deportation and to vote in LA. Chicago - nuf sed. New York is clean (in comparison).

  4. Someone tell Linus that it's not gonna happen until there is another revolution in this country. A long overdue one...

  5. ... a candidate who puts what's good for the country ahead of his own re-election"

    Sorry, Charlie, you're more likely to get hit in the head with a piece of space junk, while carrying a can of plaid paint in your back pocket.

  6. Wow, who woulda thunk that Linus would stimulate so many comments?
