Friday, January 20, 2012

Syllabus Week

Today marks the end of the first week of the new semester. Syllabus Week, as it is now known, is basically a week of light coursework and heavy partying. For you Navy types, think Fleet Week.

During Syllabus Week the professors basically go through the course format, expectations, and requirements. The more demanding profs might also toss in a very basic lecture of an introductory nature. Homework might be assigned, but is typically not due until the second week of the semester.

This has become so ingrained in the U.S. higher education system that Syllabus Week has it's own entry in the Urban Dictionary:
1. Party week.
2. The first week of classes, during which all time is wasted by reading through the syllabus.
Far be it from me to go all contrary to the expectations of America's youth. Plus, the lying assholes powers-that-be screwed me over on this semester's schedule. They promised me one thing, and then changed it at the very last minute, leaving me little time to prepare for the new semester and leaving no time for our tech support group to make the necessary changes to our online registration and course management systems.

I'm still so mad that steam is pouring out of my ears, no matter how many Shiners I've downed in a vain attempt to quench the raging fires of outrage and injustice. I'm also busy fighting the fires that resulted from this fiasco. I can deal with it, but the ones getting harmed by this flustercluck are the people we're supposed to be here to help - the students. This has caused more than one of them no little inconvenience in terms of class scheduling, child care, and work arrangements.

But the damn administrators don't care. They're all so busy covering their asses that they don't have time to do anything like their jobs. I was literally told by the dean of the business school that this last minute change was driven by one person who wasn't directly involved, but who was worried about what someone else might think about the original schedule.

Yes, that's right. Multiple faculty members were disrupted and many students were screwed because of what one person thought other people might think.

Words cannot express my disgust. I'm stopping now because the veins in my head have resumed throbbing, my field of vision is shrinking, and all I can think of is how nice it would be to apply a .45 ACP vasectomy to certain individuals...


  1. Naval Aviators think "Tail-Hook" party.

    Remember that little festival, CTT?


  2. PS: Open I.D.'s screwed up on the comment site. Not just this blog, but all that use

    It's not recognizing the "word verification" and keeps saying: "typed letters did not match".

    Opting for "anonymous" seems to make it work.


  3. I'm not a Naval Aviator, but as I understand it TailHook has been dialed down some since its heyday due to that one infamous incident.

    What about it, NFO? Were you there during its prime?

  4. Don't feel singled out, education at all levels has shifted its focus off of the student.

    C'mon, be a hard ass prof and assign something major first week.

  5. Yep, y'all get screwed for somebody elses perceptions... Just like Tailhook 91!!!
