Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Funnies 2012.01.22

A weekend full of teen drama...

A country gets the politicians and teenagers it deserves. (God help us...)


You try your hardest to raise your teenagers with patience, honesty and good manners, but they still end up being like you.


  1. And all pretty much true too! :-)

  2. I hope the drama isn't girlfriend related.

  3. NFO - yeah, but it keeps things interesting.

    Harper - the 15-y-o girl went to her first formal dance this weekend. She's basically a tomboy, but got dragged into the dress-hair-shoes things by her friends. Then there was the whole police-showed-up-at-the-dance thing. The kids behaved fine - it was a couple of adults that got out of hand. As for the boy, he wandered about, oblivious to just about everything, including things he needed to pay attention to. His formal dance is next weekend. We finally got him to try on his slacks, dress shirt, and shoes tonight. None of them fit, of course, which means his mom has to drag him clothes shopping next week. Poor guy...
