Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stand By Your Man - Not!

Posted with minimal comment:

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Woman Dumps Man Because He Has Cancer, Still Wants His Super Bowl Tickets
The headline pretty much says it all, doesn't it? John Wessling and Anson Ainsworth, radio show hosts in Houston, pass along this incredible story of bitchiness and greed. Jason Elia, a television writer living in Nashville, went to the trouble of getting Super Bowl tickets for himself and his girlfriend and was even going to propose to her at the game, but life got in the way. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer and upon hearing the news, his girlfriend apparently dumped him on the spot.

Now, she still wants the tickets because she claims they were purchased with her in mind...
Reminds me of my second ex-wife...


  1. Yea Women can be scornful alright. My first wife almost put me into bankrupcy by maxing out several credit cards and not even having the courtsy to tell me.

    Sheriff knocks at door at 9:00 PM with warrant.


  2. Toejam - Similar story.

    My 2nd ex-wife tried to spend me into bankruptcy as well by running up credit card charges right before the divorce became final.

    Fortunately, she was as dumb as she was evil.

    Texas is a community property state so she was on the hook for half of what she spent. Bottom line, she got a 50% discount on everything she bought, but she couldn't afford to pay off her half of what she charged. I laughed through my tears.

    And yes, she was a blonde...

  3. Looks like he may have made it up.

  4. Anon - thanks for the update. Still appears to be some confusion, but at least it gave Toejam and I an opportunity to vent about ex-wives...
