Monday, January 23, 2012

Sign Of The Apocolypse

Yet another sign that the end of time is near. I stumbled across this on e-bay while looking for ... well, never mind. In any event, what I was looking for is nowhere near as weird as this (click to embiggen).

Yes, you can now bid on a 4-ounce bottle of water from Tom Cruise's swimming pool, water that not only Tom swam in, but also Katie Holmes and their daughter Suri. Along with the water, you get a photo of Tom and Katie swimming in the pool "as a certificate of authenticity."
For sale is a 4oz. bottle containing water taken from a pool in Miami Beach, Florida in which Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes swam in with daughter Suri on July 17, 2011. There is a very limited supply of this special water. The water has been refrigerated to ensure freshness and quality. The winning bidder will receive a 5x7 print of Tom swimming in the pool with Katie Holmes by his side as a certificate of authenticity. The bottle is hand painted and shows a cross to mimic the effect of a bottle of Holy Water. But this cross also bears four gold rays coming from behind, which can also be considered the symbol of Scientology. Additionally, you can consider the cross to represent the letter "t" as in Tom.
What, you ask, might one do with said H2O? The seller has a few suggestions.
Tom Cruise water can be used in rituals, potions, or perfumes. It can be dabbed behind the ears or on the wrists for good luck. You can place some of it around the hearth of your home or baptize your baby with it. The possibilities are endless!
The starting bid for a 4-oz bottle of Tom Cruise water is $20. I'd much rather pay $4 for a 12-oz bottle of Shiner...


  1. Better than a campaign donation to Obama.

  2. Nick,

    There's lots of truth in your statement.


  3. Plunging a red-hot needle into my eyeball would be better than a campaign contribution to that SCOAMF.
