Friday, January 13, 2012

Reacting Predictably and Emotionally

Remember last week when the MSM was up in arms about the firebombing of a mosque in New York City? Typical headlines:
Firebomb attacks in New York targeting Muslims

New York mosque firebombed in ‘hate crime’ spree

New York leaders condemn mosque firebombing
In typical knee-jerk fashion, outraged liberals rose en masse to decry the 'hate crime' that reflected what they perceive as intolerance and persecution directed towards non-violent peace-loving followers of a 6th century pedophile.

The only problem is that the firebombing was the act of an individual with personal grievances against a cross-section of NYC establishments. He also is of Guyanese descent, further disappointing the leftists who were salivating at the thought of hanging the acts around the neck of a Tea Partier, NRA member, or other stereotypical right-wing extremist.
A man hurled crude firebombs at an Islamic cultural center in part because he wasn't allowed to use its bathrooms and targeted four other New York-area sites on New Year's Day because of personal grievances, a law enforcement official said Tuesday.

Police said that Ray Lazier Lengend, 40, of Guyanese descent, was arrested Tuesday after he was tracked through a stolen car with Virginia license plates believed to be at the scene of at least two of the attacks Sunday evening on a convenience store, three homes and the cultural center.

Lengend, who lives in Jamaica, had furiously vowed to take revenge following his shoplifting arrest last Tuesday.

“When they were pushing him out of the store, he said words to the effect of, ‘We’re going to get even, we’re going to get back at you,’” Police commissioner Ray Kelly said.

The 179th St. Deli was the first of four Queens targets hit by the fire fiend, who also is suspected of striking at an Islamic center, a Hindu temple inside a home and a Jamaica home.
Even after Lazier was arrested and the motive behind the bombings became clear, muslim leaders continued to play the 'persecuted religion' card.
A series of fires in New York City, including one (one, count 'em, one) at an Islamic community center on Long Island, has many in the Muslim community calling out for awareness of increased anti-Islamic bias crimes in the city and across the nation.
One out of four, with no islamic connection. Yet in the minds of some this is indicative of (alleged) increased anti-muslim crimes. GMAFB!

This is so reminiscent of the Arizona shooting of one year ago in which six people were killed and many more wounded, including U.S. representative Gabrielle Giffords. As you'll recall, there were immediate outcries that the shooting was caused by political incivility fomented by the Tea Party and its supporters.

Of course, as we learned later, the shooter was a deranged leftist named Jared Loughner with no ties to the Tea Party or any other conservative organization

Sadly, but unsurprisingly, the facts have failed to deter leftists and their spokescreatures like Debbie Wassername Schultz from continuing to blame the shooting on the Tea Party. One year after the shooting, in response to a question about the lack of civility in congress, she said:
"We need to make sure that we tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy from a year ago ... I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and a lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement."
Here's a link to the video, if you can stomach it.

There's a reason they're called knee-jerk liberals (Definition: a person of strong liberal convictions who reacts predictably and emotionally to certain events).


  1. It's always everybody else's fault.

    And no, I can't stomach that ridiculous video this early in the morning... the quote was enough for me.

    Frankly, what that idiot calls "edginess and a lack of civility" is really just Americans getting very, very angry as direct result of our government's glaring lack of competence. I'm just curious to see what happens when it finally boils over...

  2. I like the graphic but feel that the brain was depicted much larger than what would be found in an actual liberal.

  3. Bear and Nick - you're right.

    If we were half as angry, hateful, and violent as the left thinks we are -- and especially given the fact that we have all the guns and military experience -- those losers would be nothing but a distant memory.

    Harper - the graphic is not to scale.
