Monday, January 2, 2012

FOD 2012.01.02

Hopefully everyone is alive and well this morning, even if you're not feeling at the top of your game. Let's all hope that we have a better 2012 than 2011.

On this, the first FOD of 2012, it is illustrative and amusing to look back on obama's 2011 performance. For your entertainment and amusement, here's a list of "The Obama administration’s top 10 foolish quotes of 2011."
10. Barack Obama refers to the “English Embassy” in Tehran

9. Hillary Clinton refers to Syrian dictator Assad as a “reformer”

8. Hillary Clinton calls the Mubarak regime “stable”

7. The US Ambassador to Belgium blames Israel for some forms of anti-Semitism

6. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper calls the Muslim Brotherhood "secular"

5. White House adviser touts Obama’s “leading from behind”

4. Joe Biden on the Taliban: “not our enemy”

3. Barack Obama calls France America’s strongest ally

2. Joe Biden compares the Tea Party to terrorists

And the Number One most foolish quote of the obama administration in 2011 is...

1. Barack Obama calls himself the fourth best president in US history
There's more at the link. Enjoy...


  1. Reading another similar list I learned that the WH served Japanese beef (from Japanese cattle raised in Texas!) at the state dinner for the South Korean president. Because all Asians look the same to Blowie, I guess.

  2. Sad state of affairs, the handlers are simply NOT doing their jobs...

  3. I'm surprised he didn't serve the Koreans sushi.

    I've always been taught that a leader is responsible for the actions of those who follow him. If the handlers aren't doing their job that's because they are either incompetent or untrained - or both. Regardless, that's the fault of the person who hired/selected them.
