Friday, January 27, 2012

Cougars And Chargers And MILFs - Oh My!

One Utah school district believes a cougar mascot would be insensitive to women.
The Canyons School District overrode the students top choice of a cougar mascot for their high school that is to be completed in 2013.

Would-be Corner Canyon High School students chose the Cougars as their mascot — a name principal Mary Bailey said carries an ugly connotation that is disrespectful to women.

In popular culture, the cougar is a sexually aggressive middle-aged woman who attracts younger men.
The school mascot will instead be "the Charger," which to me also connotes an aggressive woman prowling the mall in search of her prey.

Could it be that Ms. Bailey rejected the Cougar monicker because it hit too close to home? She is, after all, a middle-aged woman who works closely with younger men.

No word on what Ms Bailey thought of the students' second choice for a mascot nickname - MILF.

And in a somewhat related story we have a woman diddling herself in an MRI tube, all in the name of science.
Let me just get this out of the way upfront: I had an orgasm in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner.

I participated in a study at Rutgers University where scientists measured the activity in my brain as I self-stimulated to an orgasm.

I wasn’t the first woman to participate in one of these studies - and I won’t be the last.
I just bet you won't be the last, darlin'. If they did a similar study for men there'd be a waiting list.
Time and time again, I’m asked how I managed to have an orgasm in an fMRI scanner. But that’s not the right question. The important question is why I had an orgasm in an fMRI scanner.
Actually, the important question is "Why not"?
(The answer is) help further our understanding of orgasm and human sexuality. When I say I came for the science - I mean it.
Give her credit. She's got a sense of humor.

So let me get this straight (so do I!). She self-pleasures herself in an MRI and that's okay because its "for the science."

But when a guy tries the same thing in the front seat of his car in the YWCA parking lot he gets in all sorts of trouble...

MRI? No - Tube o' Pleasure


  1. You're not going to show any video of the action as it was happening? Man I feel ripped off! At least a couple of still frames or something.

    And I'm talking about video of her brain activity as she completed. I would want to see a picture of her first before I went requesting what video you thought I was talking about...

  2. Can't do those damn machines, BAD memories... And she is just flat weird!!!

  3. CD, here's a link to the gal's blog, complete with picture (facial - no, not that kind, you perv) and video (of her talking about her experience, not of her brain (or other) activity).

    NFO - I can go in a MRI feet first up to my chest. Any farther and I freak out. Head first - no way!

  4. I wonder if she could use a "helping" hand?

