Sunday, January 8, 2012

Choke On This, Jerry

Roland Martin is a political commentator who usually leans to the left. I don't often agree with him, but IMO he is spot on with this one.

Football power in Texas has shifted to Houston
I hate the Dallas Cowboys.

No, I don't dislike them. I flat out cannot stand anything about the Dallas Cowboys.

That's why I take great pleasure in seeing the transfer of power in the Lone Star State, where the football greatness has moved from Dallas to Houston.

For decades, all of the talk has been about the Cowboys, that damn star, and lately, the monstrosity of a football palace built by owner Jerry Jones. But with the NFL playoffs kicking off this weekend, the only football they'll witness at Cowboys Stadium is Kansas State and Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl.

But 250 miles south of Dallas, the Houston Texans will take on the Cincinnati Bengals in the AFC wild card game.

For Cowboys fans, it's over. No longer can you talk supremacy over Houston. The expansion Texans is the talk of the state, and all the Cowboys fans can do is complain about Tony Romo and Jerry Jones.

And they might as well get used to it. The Cowboys are truly a has-been team. Those five Lombardi trophies? Well, you better keep watching NFL Films. That will be the only way to see Dallas raise that again.
Amen to that last one - at least as long as Jerry Jones runs things.

JJ may be an astute businessman, but he's worse than terrible as a NFL general manager. He is the NFL equivalent of obama, insofar as on-the-field success goes. He surrounds himself with boot-licking yes-men. His opinion of himself is much greater than the reality. He took over an entity that was once the envy of its kind, but under his stewardship has become a shadow of its former self and a laughing-stock.

The bad news for Cowboy fans is that they can't vote the buffoon out of office...

(H/T The Whited Sepulchre for the image.)


  1. LMAO! I love the comparison with obama. Nicely put.

  2. The ONLY one worse is Snyder in DC that owns the deadskins... I truly long for the days of Tom Landry...

  3. I try not to delight too much in the demise of my husband's beloved 'boys, but really, what a disaster. I don't understand how a successful businessman can be so blind to the one glaring personnel issue that has destroyed his team.

  4. Isn't it interesting that people who are quite successful in one area think they can carry that over into another totally unrelated field. JJ made a fortune in oil. Snyder made big bucks in marketing and broadcasting. Neither can run a football team worth a lick.

    And then we have a former community organizer who thinks that somehow qualifies him to be president. What a disaster...
