Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rained Out - Again

Tried to go hunting again this weekend, and again Mother Nature didn't cooperate. It didn't rain nearly as heavily as last weekend, but the week in-between was generally drizzly and damp. It wasn't so much the amount of rain we got, as the fact that the dirt roads on our lease didn't get a chance to dry out. They were pretty much impassable last weekend, and even worse this weekend. So Saturday morning we opted to head for the comforts of home and hearth.

As Charlie Delta pointed out in a comment on an earlier post, Texas is in the midst of a prolonged severe drought. We should be grateful for what precipitation we have received.
The recent rains have brought some relief to the area, but have done little to change the overall drought situation. Most of Central Texas and the Colorado River basin remain in the grips of an extreme drought.

The weather outlook ... over the next six months still doesn't offer much hope for significant rain.
The recent rains are indeed welcome. However, as an American, a veteran, and an almost-senior citizen, it is my God-given right to bitch about anything, no matter how beneficial. Whoever controls the weather should arrange for it to rain during basketball season, when it won't bother anyone...


  1. Hey don't get me wrong CTT. I didn't mean to come off like I was calling you ungrateful or anything. I was just trying to help you see the glass of beer as half full instead of half empty. Or whatever the fuck.

    It was also my way of asking a stupid question without it looking like it was a stupid question...

  2. I wasn't upset with you, CD, I was just using you to set up the rest of the post. You were just a tool... :)

  3. LMAO! I know, but I thought I should clarify my position, or should I say the intent of my original comment...
