Thursday, December 22, 2011

One Person, One Vote Follow-Up

A little while back I posted about Eric Holder and the obama Department of Injustice planning to "be aggressive in reviewing new voting laws."

Today there was was a letter to the local paper addressing that very topic. In response to an editorial cartoon criticizing a new state law requiring voters to produce a photo ID, a reader penned this gem.

Texans must show a photo ID to board an airplane, cash a check, drive a car, use a credit card and a raft of other everyday activities, yet it is the cartoonist's opinion that having to show an ID to vote is “voter suppression.”

Give me a break! The specific purpose is to prevent vote fraud and ballot-box stuffing. My grandparents all lived in Illinois and voted Republican until the days they died. They've been staunch Democrats ever since. We need to stop such practices here in Texas.
Gotta luv it...

1 comment:

  1. Having worked many local elections, it is a foreign concept to me that people would have an issue showing ID. Most voters around here walk in with DL in hand, since the paper voter card is such a pain in the ass to keep up with. Plus, most people register to vote when they get or renew their license - are there really people without legitimate ID that are registered voters? Hell. No.
