Friday, December 16, 2011

One Giant Leap To A Nonsensical Conclusion

I'm not sure what to make of Tebow-mania. His stats are shaky, he doesn't fit the mold of the prototype NFL quarterback, and I have my doubts about the likelihood of his long term success. And yet, as his disciples acolytes supporters say, all he does is win.

Without getting into the football-related arguments regarding his ability, success, and future, I will note with dismay that some people just don't get that football is a game, not a religion (unless you're talking about high school and college football in Texas - then it is THE religion of the masses).

Anyway, via Jammie Wearing Fools, we have this example of Tebow hysteria taken way too far.
People are always looking for signs of God’s beneficence, and a victory by the Orange Crush over the blue-clad Patriots, from the bluest of blue states, will give fodder to a Christian revivalism that has already turned the Republican presidential race into a pander-thon to social conservatives, rekindling memories of those cultural icons of the ‘80s, the Moral Majority and “Hee Haw.”

If Tebow wins the Super Bowl, against all odds, it will buoy his faithful, and emboldened faithful can do insane things, like burning mosques, bashing gays and indiscriminately banishing immigrants...
WTF?!? Sounds like something a MSNBC commentator would say.

If you think that's a little over the top, you're not alone. The post has disappeard, and has been replaced with the following bland statement:
The piece has been taken down and I apologize to all those whom it has offended. Some additional reflections will be forthcoming. Thank you.
However, as JWF points out, nothing ever really goes away on the Internet. You can go here to see the piece in its entirety.

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