Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

I can think of no better Christmas wish than that old standard:

"Peace on Earth. Good will towards men."

May it come true this year...


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Tim.

  2. Thanks, Jackie, and the same to you and yours.

  3. A belated Merry Christmas CCT and family.

    Had to visit the brother-in-law's place for dinner. Same ole boreing yada-yada-yada every year followed by a Christmas cake that has the mass of Plutonium-235 and takes 2-weeks to digest and another 2-weks for the lower digestive tract to recover from its trauma.

    Attendance is mandatory.

    Punishment for abscence = nagged to death by wife!

  4. Thanks, Toejam. Here's hoping your Christmas was a good one, in spite of the stress on your nervous system and lower G.I. tract.

    A little Scotch should help both...

  5. I'll give your remedy a try, CTT.

    The Scotch of my choice is a single malt: Laphroaig.

    I discoved it on a visit to Scotland way back in 1976. Fort William to be exact.

    It's very heavy with the peat aroma and taste. Can't handle too much but a few wee drams are OK.

  6. Single malt is the only way to go.
