Monday, December 12, 2011

FOD 2011.12.12

A picture is worth 1000 words...

And in related news, in Sunday night's 60 Minutes puff piece on obama, alleged journalist Steve Kroft strayed from the White House approved script and snuck in one semi-tough question when he asked the commie-in-chief which Republican contender he would prefer to face in 2012.

obama's answer: 'It Doesn't Really Matter' Who GOP Nominates
He boiled down the 2012 campaign to a single question to be answered by the voters: “Do they see a more compelling vision coming out from the other side?”
Hell yes.

In spite of their tendency to self-destruct, whoever (whomever?) the GOP nominates will have a pretty good chance of defeating the loser-in-chief. Especially if he continues to blame Bush, four years later. More obama:
"... we can't have an honest conversation about the irresponsibility that resulted in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, without somebody saying that somehow we're being divisive.”
obama also refused to answer when asked why there have been no criminal prosecutions of anyone on Wall Street responsible for the financial collapse in 2008. That could be because the people most responsible are democrat congresscritters, most notably Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.

Left unasked were the really tough questions, like why did the White House refuse to turn over to congress documents related to the $535 million loan guarantee that the Obama administration gave to now-bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra?

Or why aren't there any criminal prosecutions in the case of Jon "I simply don't know where the money is" Corzine, former democrat U.S. senator, former democrat New jersey governor, former obama economic adviser, and former CEO of MF Global, which collapsed into the eighth-largest bankruptcy in U.S. history while an estimated $1.2 billion in client funds is unaccounted for.

Or why hasn't Eric Holder been indicted, impeached, or at the very least forced to resign for, among other things, the Fast and Furious fiasco?

So many questions, so little time.

Only 60 Minutes...

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