Friday, December 23, 2011

Chrismas Lights

Things have been hectic here in the idyllic hamlet of Bergheim. Consequently, I've fallen a little behind in certain Christmas activities, such as putting up the outside Christmas lights. My wife has been giving me grief about it, so to get her off my back I finally put them up today.


  1. Good work CenTexTim.

    Why not leave them up year-round?

    You never know, the starlings might use it for a nest.

  2. Good idea, Toejam. That way wifey and I can have the when-are-you-going-to-take-the-lights-down argument instead of the when-are-you-going-to-put-the-lights-up one.

  3. HEH, You got that little "problem" too?

    She suggested we "toss" to see who'd do what.

    Next thing you know I'm on the ground with a bruise on my head.
