Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Bitch Did It Again

Re: the obamas Million Dollar Hawaiian Vacation - why the hell can't she and the kids fly with her hubby like the rest of American families do?
This year, the president’s wife and family flew ahead of the President on an Air Force C-40B Special Mission Aircraft, a 32 passenger plane, which according to a White House Dossier analysis, cost taxpayers an estimated $63,000 or $6,330 per hour. “By leaving early, she (Michelle Obama) forced a large logistical support – including a retinue of Secret Service agents – to get itself up and running,” the Dossier reports.
Oh yeah - it's because she and her worthless lesbian lover husband aren't paying their own way...


  1. I completely despise these people more than any I can remember having despised. Maybe there's a better word than despise, but hate is just too over used and really can't express my utter contempt for these a-holes!

  2. They be just gettin pay-back for the white folk enslaving their ancestors!

  3. Despise is good. So is abominate. Another good one is execrate. I like that one because it's close to excretion, which is what they are.

    Toejam, they be gettin' uppity and forgetting their place.

  4. $63k is JUST the flight costs, figure $500k total cost...
