Saturday, November 5, 2011

Your Polka Fix, Braut To You By Wurstfest

If you're from around here, and you don't hunt, then the other big event this time of the year is a celebration of the German heritage of some of the area's original settlers. It's similar in concept to Oktobfest, but on a smaller scale and a little more family-friendly.

The 51st version of Wurstfest, the annual celebration of German culture, returns to New Braunfels on Friday...
It's a polka festival and it's German, so there will be beer...

As always there will tons of food, served from dozens of booths in Wursthalle and scattered around the grounds...

Line up early for the cult classic Kartoffelpuffer, a specially seasoned potato pancake served with cinnamon and apple sauce or sour cream. This is the most popular food at Wurstfest...
My first paying gig was as a trombone player and drummer with Russel Koehler's German American Band, playing oom-pah music at Wurstfest back in the late 1960's. That was the apex of my musical career, at least in terms of fun...

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