Tuesday, November 15, 2011

They Told Us

I'm facing yet another week from hell. It is filled with seemingly endless administrator-mandated meetings to resolve discuss yammer endlessly about trivial matters. Imagine a room full of pompous, egotistical academics who love to pontificate ad infinitum on topics about which they know nothing, but have strong opinions. Now throw in prickly personalities who are quick - nay, eager - to take great personal offense at the tiniest imagined slight, and you have some small notion of what I'm condemned to this week. As the old saying goes, “academic battles are so vicious because the rewards are so small.”

Top that off with 120+ individual projects that are due this week, necessitating a dreary grading slog that is the academic equivalent of the Bataan Death March, following by the inevitable complaining, whining, and threatening ("It's not fair." -- "I don't understand why I got a 60 on my project. I tried really, really hard." -- "I'm going to talk to the dean about this.").

Bottom line - original blogs may be light this week. Case in point: today's commentary is borrowed from a Doug Ross post of a couple of months ago. I thought it was so profound that I saved it for a day like today.
They told us that allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons would turn our streets into rivers of blood.

They told us that taking trillions of dollars and giving it to those "who truly needed it" would cure poverty.

They told us that giving home loans to those who couldn't afford them would make the American dream achievable for all.

They told us that paying into the Social Security "Trust Fund" would guarantee a comfortable retirement for everyone.

They told us that allowing teachers to unionize in public schools would help inner city students reach for the stars.

They told us that the federal government could run a guaranteed, affordable health care program for seniors forever.

They told us that the new employment paradigm consisted of millions of "green jobs".

They told us that their support for immoral and criminal behavior wouldn't result in the breakdown of the two-parent family.

They told us that spending trillions on Stimulus programs would heal a damaged economy.

They told us that raising taxes on corporations and "the rich" would create more jobs.

They told us that our borders were "as secure as they've ever been".

They told us that intentionally restricting access to our own sources of energy would reduce dependence on foreign oil.

They told us that spreading unemployment benefits and food stamps far and wide would help the economy.

They told us that, despite other failed government health care programs, they could successfully take over the entire medical system.

They told us that their record-breaking borrowing could never result in a downgrade of the United States' AAA credit rating.

They told us that "the Constitution doesn't matter".

They told us that anyone who opposes their unconstitutional, un-American, reckless and failed policies are racists.

Well, I'm here to tell you:

Everything they told us was a lie.

Everything they told us was wrong.

Intentionally, diabolically, criminally wrong.

And if we don't vote out every Democrat politician -- at every level of government -- in 2012, this beautiful Republic, this magnificent country, this bastion of free enterprise and private property rights, this shining city on a hill... well, it will be finished.

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