Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No Credibility Issue Here

I haven't said anything about Caingate, or Politicogate, or whatever gate it's being called, because: (1) I honestly think it's much ado about nothing; (2) I think it is, as Clarence Thomas described his experience, "a high-tech lynching;" and (3) others have spoken about it in more eloquence and detail than I'm capable of. However, I ran across the following and thought it summarized the most recent development quite nicely. From Curmudgeonly & Skeptical:
Okay, so: (Herman Cain accuser Sharon) Bialek was fired by the NRA (National Restaurent Association, not the real NRA) in 1997 after working there for six whole months. Then she requested a face-to-face meeting with the president of the organization that had just fired her, to ask about finding a new job. A phone call wouldn't have done it, apparently. And she didn't tell Cain she was there about a job until dinner. And the whole thing wasn't her idea in the first place, but her boyfriend's. And then Cain groped her and told her it was part of the job interview. And she's coming forward almost 15 years later, after a week of non-stop coverage of unspecified accusations by anonymous accusers, on behalf of women everywhere. After Gloria Allred gets her face time, of course.
Oh, and by the way, Bialek just happens to have a history of financial troubles and legal squabbles.
The emerging portrait of Herman Cain's most recent accuser shows a suburban homemaker with a history of financial and legal troubles...

Records show she twice has filed for personal bankruptcy...

After the case was discharged, she accused a former boyfriend of harassing her for repayment of a loan...

The IRS filed a tax lien against her in 2009 for nearly $5,200. In August, the Illinois Department of Revenue claimed Bialek owed the state more than $4,300, including penalties and interest, relating to income taxes from 2004, according to county records.

Court records also show creditors took legal action against her during the past decade, including at least one lawsuit filed in Cook County.
What an amazing coincidence. This paragon of fiscal responsibility and exemplar of stability in her personal life is from Chicago, from whence you-know-who came. Conspiracy theorists, have at it.
As TV trucks pulled up in front of her Mundelein home and reporters rang the doorbell, (Bialek's fiancee said she) does not plan any legal action against Cain and does not intend to stand in the political spotlight for very long.

"We're in it together," he said. "My only concern is that it not become some type of media circus."
Yeah, right. That's why you bozos help a press conference in NYC and have retained Gloria Allred. You want to keep it low key.

And in other news:

Herman Cain says his stimulus package is bigger than obama's...

Bill Clinton endorses Herman Cain - says he has what it takes to perform in the oval office...

But seriously, folks, Clinton did have some advice for Cain. See below...

1 comment:

  1. Yep, but one wonders at the MSMs coverage, the depth, breadth, analysis, etc... Never been seen since Thomas...
