Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Never Mind...

Life in this particular pocket of Central Texas is often chaotic, but seldom boring. Case in point: this news flash popped up on local media outlets about an hour ago.
Three Tigers Reported Loose in North Bexar County: Elementary School Locked Down
That prompted a flurry of anxious parents calling schools, local hunters locking and loading their deer rifles, and a few yahoos grabbing guns and six-packs and piling into their pick-ups to go all Hatari on us.

Thankfully, it all turned out to be a false alarm.
Bexar County deputies are saying false alarm after investigating a report of loose tigers in north Bexar County that prompted the lockdown of a nearby elementary school.

Deputy Chief Dale Bennett said three tigers were reported loose at a home in the 27000 block of O'Kent drive around 9:21 a.m. He said the homeowner does own a number of large exotic cats, but that all the cats were inside their cages when deputies arrived.

Deputies said the owner of the cats was confused and that they were concerned for his mental health.
That last sentence is not exactly comforting. We have a 'confused' person who keeps several large cats at his place in close proximity to at least one elementary school. The picture below is of his house.

That's frighteningly reminiscent of the loon in Ohio who turned his menagerie of lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!) loose and then shot himself.

On the other hand, my inner Bubba secretly yearns for the chance to try out my new .300 Win Mag, which I won in a raffle last year but have yet to shoot, mainly because it's massive overkill for just about every game animal in North America, with the possible exception of brown or grizzly bears.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to save it for the coming zombie apocalypse...

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