Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Done At Last

I just finished grading 126 student projects. I may post a more reflective commentary on them later, but for the moment I'll just provide a few gems.
This article oozes out information...
I feel a little intimated when I picture no one talking or moving...
Now in days we have a great technology that let us make our daily duties faster and easier...
The introduction of technologically advanced devices at retail stores will levitate shopping...
Could Google Music be the one to finally take down Apple from that once radiant pedestal...?
Myspace stopped being the popular social site of the decade and fell into a slippery slope of oblivion...
And my personal favorite:
Hello Dr. CenTexTim,
I am in your class and I was just wondering if I could possibly meet with you? I just started a new job for (Multi-Level Marketing firm) and I wanted to see if I could set up an appointment at your office or home to show you a demo? It is real short and all you have to do is be willing to listen.
I would supply some no-doubt entertaining fisking of these, but it's late and I have to get up early tomorrow to work on our Thanksgiving meal (not to mention that I desperately need a beer), so I'll close for now by wishing you and yours a Merry Thanksgiving - no, wait, that's not quite right...

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