Thursday, September 15, 2011

Setting A Good Example

As anyone who's ever worked with young people knows, they learn more by watching what you do than by listening to what you say. "Do as I say, not as I do" just doesn't work with kids.

Which brings us to the Tacoma public schools teachers union.

Tacoma teachers ignore judge's order, return to picket line
Teachers and some 28,000 students in Tacoma, Washington, were supposed return to school Thursday after a judge ordered the striking teachers to halt their protest -- but that didn't happen.

The Tacoma School district had to cancel classes because many teachers did not show up for work Thursday, despite the judge's order on Wednesday...

Many teachers returned to the picket line Thursday instead of complying with the court order, according to CNN affiliate KCPQ.

A Washington state court judge issued a temporary restraining order and ordered that schools reopen immediately after the Tacoma School District took the striking teachers and the Tacoma Education Association union to court.
Tyler Firkins, the attorney for the teacher's union, said the school district was not negotiating in good faith and that if the strike continued, students could make up the missed time later.
Yeah, right. The teachers union is going to agree to extend the school year into their summer vacation? I don't think so.
"Whether my child misses a week or two, it's not going to affect her education," Firkins said of his daughter, who he said attends classes at a Tacoma public school.
That tells you everything you need to know about the quality of public education delivered by unionized teachers.
"This is about teaching our kids to stand up to bullies," said Andy Coons, president of the teacher's union. 
It may be a lesson in standing up to bullies, but in this case the bully is the union. The teachers are placing their wants and desires above the public good, and ignoring the law. Is that really what you want to teach your kids?

 In the meantime, single-parent families and families with two working parents are thrown into turmoil. And what about the students from 'poor' households? How will they get by without their taxpayer-subsidized breakfasts and lunches? Not the union's problem.

It's clear that the union doesn't care about the students.

After all, students don't pay dues...

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