Monday, September 12, 2011

FOD 2011.09.12

With such an unparallelled record of achievement, is it no wonder that obama's poll numbers are dropping almost as fast as the stock market?

All of which brings us to yesterday, when he participated in the national day of service training for his future job.

He'll probably screw that one up also...


  1. Home ownership rate @ 60%. I have all but completely given up hope of ever owning a home that doesn't have wheels...

  2. Don't give up, CD. Right now it sucks to be under a massive mortgage (mine has the added weight of a remodel we started right when the economy tanked). The real challenge is finding an affordable house and a job in the same city. There are nice homes going way cheap all over the U.S., but they are mostly where there aren't too many jobs. You want a real steal? Look at retirement cities, Sun City AZ, for example.

  3. Dude could fuck up a one car funeral.

  4. Soup sandwich keeps coming to mind... I'd also agree with Harper, the houses ARE out there, but not 'convenient' to jobs most of the time.

  5. You sure he isn't mixin a batch of Grape Kool-Aid for the folks?

  6. A soup sandwich washed down by kool-aid. Sounds like something obama would serve up.

  7. And if I'm not mistaken, he only has one kind of soup sandwich. A shit soup sandwich...
