Monday, August 15, 2011

Loose Lips Sink Ships - and Helicopters, and SEALs, and intelligence assets, and...

Peter King is head of the House Committee on Homeland Security. He is a republican, but he's also someone who takes national security very seriously. He praised obama for the execution of bin laden, and he's enough of a realist to know that the president would use that mission to his political advantage. But lately King has become quite concerned about the "drip, drip of sensitive operational details emerging since the May 1 bin Laden killing. Magazines and newspapers had information that, as head of the House Committee on Homeland Security, he knew was supposed to remain secret."
The published details he's worried about include: the name of the courier who was followed to the compound in Pakistan, that retired Pakistani military officers were recruited by the CIA to man an observation post near the compound, where the FBI got a DNA sample from a bin Laden family member, the capabilities of our satellites, the base the helicopters used in Afghanistan and how they evaded Pakistani radar, the names, bases and training sites used by units on the mission, the number of SEALs involved, the weapons and equipment they carried, which Al Qaeda plots we learned of from data seized in the compound, which may tell Al Qaeda which plots we do not know about.
My God, is there anything confidential that didn't get disclosed?
King notes that at least five Pakistanis were arrested after the reports surfaced.

"Nobody in the intelligence world or the military is going to give out that kind of information unless they're told to from above," he told me. He called the leaks "an inside job" and added that the failure of the administration to probe the sources "shows they are involved."
It would be bad enough if sensitive and confidential information were released through carelessness or incompetence. But team obama is doing so in order to facilitate completion of a Hollywood movie propaganda film portraying obama's role in the bin laden raid.

The fact that such disclosure is endangering members of the American military and foreign operatives for tawdry political purposes is beyond reprehensible.

It's treasonous...


  1. Yeah, pretty much... Problem is the HEARINGS would release even more info...

  2. You're right. Politicians on both sides of the aisle just love the spotlight.
